Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Politics this week

foray /ˈfɔreɪ, ˈfɒreɪ/
a quick, sudden attack
---> The defenders made a foray outside the walls.

emissary /ˈɛməˌsɛri/
a representative sent on a mission or errand
---> We need to find emissaries to negotiate a peace.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Harold Varmus: science and stimulus

engaged:/ɛnˈgeɪdʒd/ : busy or occupied; involved: deeply engaged in conversation.
* ı was engaged when you call me, so I couldn't answer.
council:/ˈkaʊnsəl/ : an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice.
*minesters will talk abaout war in council.

Laurie Underwood: working in China

concept: /ˈkɒnsɛpt/ a general notion or idea
the concept for the new jop is very attractive.

separate:  /v. ˈsɛpəˌreɪt; adj., n. ˈsɛpərɪt/ to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space: to separate two fields by a fence.
We each have our own separate rooms

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

November 15th 2008

bankruptcy:[bangk-ruhpt-see, -ruhp-see]-[ ˈbæŋkrʌptsi, -rəpsi]
n: the state of being unable to pay your debts
-In 1999 it was revealed that he was close to bankruptcy.

purveyor:[pərˈveɪər]- [per-vey-er]
n: a business that supplies goods, services, or information
-Petrossian Inc. is the world's largest purveyor of caviar.

January 17th 2009

incursion /ɪnˈkɜrʒən, -ʃən/ : a hostile entrance into or invasion of a place or territory, esp. a sudden one; raid
  • Terrorist forces made several incursions on the village.

recession /rɪˈsɛʃən/ : a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad

  • There is deep recession in the country.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

How cooking reshaped humanity

Maintain /meın'teın/
: to make a situation or activity continue in the same way.
-The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.

Digest /dı'dʒest/
: to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use.
-Sit still and allow your meal to digest.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Governance in Hong Kong

ferocity /fəˈrɒsɪti/ : a ferocious quality or state; savage fierceness

  • The ferocity of the attack shocked a lot of people.

decry /dɪˈkraɪ/ : to criticize something as bad, worthless or unnecessary; to condemn

  • He made a speech decrying the behaviour of today's teenagers.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

polıtıcs thıs week

  • re-enact:If you re-enact an event, you try to make it happen again in exactly the same way that it happened the first time, often as an entertainment or as a way to help people remember certain facts about an event:Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.
  • cannon: (KNOCK) [I usually + adverb or preposition] UK to knock or hit against someone or something suddenly and forcefully as you are running:I was rushing along with my head down when I cannoned into an old lady walking the other way.

Politics this week

reconstruction:[ˌrikənˈstrʌkʃən] - [ree-kuhn-struhk-shuhn]
(n.)the work that is done to repair the damage to a city, industry etc, especially after a war
-The method for reconstruction is described elsewhere.

genocide:[ˈdʒɛnəˌsaɪd] - [jen-uh-sahyd]
(n.)the deliberate murder of a whole group or race of people [ ethnic cleansing]
-The military leaders were accused of genocide

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Business this week

profitable  /ˈprɒfɪtəbəl/
beneficial or useful.
This profitable behavior make people feel good.

maintain  /meɪnˈteɪn/
to affirm; assert; declare
He maintained that the country was going downhill.

Politics this week

subsequent (sŭb'sĭ-kwěnt', -kwənt)
occurring or coming later or after
--> Subsequent to their coming, we will start to eat.

overrule (ō'vər-rōōl')
to rule against or disallow the arguments of (a person)
--> The senator was overruled by the committee chairman.