Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tree Deaths in US West Linked to Climate Change

fertility /fərˈtɪlɪti/ : the state or quality of being fertile
_ The fertility of the soil is very low at this village.

destruction /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/ : the condition of being destroyed; demolition; annihilation
_ Some people are quite concerned about the destruction of the rainforests.

Two Cases, Recession Bring New Attention to Domestic Violence

re‧strain (rĭ-strān') : to stop someone from doing something, often by using physical force.
- He had to be restrained from using violence.

re‧ces‧sion [ri-sesh-uhn] : a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc in a country than usual.
- There is deep recession in the Turkey.

Friday, February 27, 2009

straw /strɔ/ [straw]
a single stalk or stem, esp. of certain species of grain, chiefly wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
ex. sentece: straw can be used be used in many fields such as animal feeds, paper making, biofuels and so on
soil /sɔɪl/ [soil]
the portion of the earth's surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus.
ex. sentence: soil is classified into different groups so that relationships are better understood between different soils

Not All Carrots Are Orange

straw /strɔ/ [straw]
a single stalk or stem, esp. of certain species of grain, chiefly wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
ex. sentece: straw can be used be used in many fields such as animal feeds, paper making, biofuels and so on
soil /sɔɪl/ [soil]
the portion of the earth's surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus.
ex. sentence: soil is classified into different groups so that relationships are better understood between different soils
The Truth About Cats and Dogs

*president (prez-i-duhnt)
n: The chief officer of a corporation, company, institution, society, or the like
- Obama is the president of the U.S.A
*registry (rej-uh-stree)
n: The act of recording or writing in a register; enrollment; registration
-I am a registry of metallica fun club.

Not All Carrots Are Orange

fertilizer: /[fur-tl-ahy-zer]
n: a substance that is put on the soil to make plants grow.
'Fertilizer helps plant grow'

v: to gather the crop from
to gather (a crop or the like); reap.
'Winter fruits are harvested in early summer.'

Children's Story: 'John Henry'

Extend: ık'stend
to (cause something to) reach, stretch or continue; to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer
We have plans to extend our house

a person who does unskilled physical work, especially outside
Farm's laborer always wakes up early

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Doctor Who Left His Mark on a World That Lives in Fear of Ebola

Disease: di-'zEz
An involuntary disability Alcoholism is a chronic disease consisting of genetic, psychosocial.
Her diseasse could not be health

Influence: in-"flü-&n(t)s

effect, impact, action of a person or thing which affects another
He had a influence on her until she beat him.

American History Series: Polk Sends Troops to Border With Mexico

spread (spred) to put a layer of sth onto the surface of sth:
she spread the plans over the desk

compromise [kom-pruh-mahyz] an agreement reached by both sides, each giving up sth:
the girls made compromise about their argument

India's Camel Population Drops

*Camel: {'kæməl} a large desert animal with
a long neck and either one or two
Camels can live 2 weeks without water

*Charitable: {'tʃærıtəbəl} relating to giving help
to the poor
He is so charitable person because he give me a big scholarship