Thursday, January 14, 2010

Short Story: 'The Californian's Tale' by Mark Twain


to be or serve as a covering for; extend over; rest on the surface of

Example: Snow covered the fields

rug [ruhg]

a thick fabric for covering part of a floor, often woven of wool and often having an oblong shape with a border design.

Example: I bought a new rug to my room.

Health: Now, an Update on Those New Year's Resolutions

pre·ven·tive (prĭ-věn'tĭv) Something that prevents; an obstacle.
Weaver  /ˈwivər/[wee-ver One that weaves: a weaver of fine rugs.
injustice /ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs/ : the quality or fact of being unjust; inequity.

ex : he had delevoped a deep sense of social injustice.

slavery  /ˈsleɪvəri, ˈsleɪvri/ : the condition of a slave; bondage.

ex : slavery destroyed long time ago.

Main idea : William Faulkner's life story

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How Loneliness Can Infect Social Networks

investigate[in-ves-ti-geyt]:to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail.
ex:Detective investigate about secret events.
pattern[pat-ern; Brit. pat-n]:a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.
ex:My grandmother take a pattern to spin sweatshirt for me.
Main idea:The text is about effects of loneliness.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

College Guide Aims to Help Students Avoid a 'Thin Education'

tuition[too-ish-uhn,tyoo-]:the charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or a college or university.
ex:The college will raise its tuition again next year.
fluffy[fluhf-ee]: of, resembling, or covered with fluff.
ex:She has a fluffy pillow.

New Treatment for Sleeping Sickness

-invade/ɪnˈveɪd/ [in-veyd]: to enter and affect injuriously or destructively, as disease: viruses that invade the bloodstream.

Synonyms: penetrate, attack.

-Neglect [ni-glekt]: to be remiss in the care or treatment of: to neglect one's family; to neglect one's appearance.

Synonyms: ignore,default

Antonyms: attention, care.

2009: Best Year for Movies in US History


[preyz to express approval or admiration of; commend; extol.


the state of being a mother; maternity.
the main about:2009's last films history.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

WHO: H1N1 Influenza Pandemic to Last Another Year

grind(graind):boring hard work.
Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind.

fragile(fraedzail):easily broken.
A fragile glass vase.

Main Idea:People must keep up their guard against the virus,which is unpredictable and could change into a far more dangerous form.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Slow and Gentle Are Best in Treating Hypothermia

hypothermia/haɪpəθɜrmiə/[hahy-puh-thur-mee]:subnormal body temperature

ex:People must pay attention hypothermia.

stiff /stɪf/[stif]:rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar.

ex:If you do sport regularly,you have stiff muscles.

1. unbending, unyielding

Main idea:Sudden movements of cold blood in the body can cause shock and a heart attack.
president: a person who presides
ex: Obama is president of USA

corporation: an association of individuals
ex: he works for a large american corporations